Auricular Acupuncture
This is a specific type of acupuncture that involves the insertion of tiny needles into various acupuncture points on the ear in order to help stimulate certain organs associated with the habits and help regulate the nervous system to decrease cravings, stress and in the case of weight loss suppress appetite.
For Smoking Cessation and Weight loss it is best to have 8 sessions one time a week for 8 weeks in order to help patients set goals, receive acupuncture treatment, and minimize withdrawal effects and cravings.
Acupuncture is a great adjunct treatment for both weight loss and smoking cessation but don’t dismiss the importance of proper nutrition and an exercise regime to go with it. These components will also be discussed during the weekly sessions.
For Smoking Cessation and Weight loss it is best to have 8 sessions one time a week for 8 weeks in order to help patients set goals, receive acupuncture treatment, and minimize withdrawal effects and cravings.
Acupuncture is a great adjunct treatment for both weight loss and smoking cessation but don’t dismiss the importance of proper nutrition and an exercise regime to go with it. These components will also be discussed during the weekly sessions.